
How To Remove Pills From Cashmere

How To Deal With Cashmere Pilling

How To Deal With Cashmere Pilling

You've washed everything right. You hand-wash your cashmere with a mild detergent, you make sure it dries flat, you fold cashmere rather than hang it for storage - but you're still plagued by pilling! Those annoying picayune tufts of fabric make even the most luxurious cashmere look like a dollar store rag.

Pilling may be unavoidable for certain types of cashmere garments, just you lot can minimize pilling or remove existing pilling hands. With this guide, we'll assist yous go on your favorite pieces in shape and looking adept for a long time to come.

What Causes Pilling on Cashmere Garments?

Cashmere is not the only textile prone to pilling, but given its expense relative to the cost of other natural fibers, it's particularly frustrating that information technology does. Iii basic factors come into play: the fiber quality of your cashmere piece, your wearing habits and where you wear it.


Judging the overall quality of a cashmere garment depends on several variables, but raw cashmere wool falls into one of 3 graded categories:

Class A: Long, fine fibers that can measure out as low as fourteen microns in width (1 micron = 0.001 mm) and 34 millimeters in length.

Grade B: Although thicker and longer on average compared to Form A, Form B fibers withal make loftier-quality cashmere.

Class C: Low quality cashmere tin however brand expensive products, simply these textiles accept a shorter lifespan and do not experience as soft as those made from higher quality grades.

Does good quality cashmere pill?

Sadly, aye. All cashmere volition pill no matter what you lot do - but depression-quality cashmere may pill immediately if yous rub a layer of information technology between your fingers.

This happens due to the class's shorter, thicker fibers. When spun together, natural fibers interlock, which is how we go yarn. Long, thin fibers form a stronger bond than curt, thick ones do, so fifty-fifty a footling friction will pull apart a depression-grade garment more than hands than a higher quality piece.

You tin can however make cheap cashmere work for yous, so don't give your bargain buys the side-centre just yet. Check out our notes below on what to lookout out for when it comes to wearing your cashmere and protecting it from exposure to the elements.

woman at home relaxing in navy sweater


When information technology comes to solving the riddle of the pilled sweater, analyzing how one wears a cashmere garment provides most of the clues we need. Even the well-nigh expensive, highest quality cashmere is going to pill all over if you're wearing information technology roughly.

Roughly, that is, by cashmere's standards. Layering clothing is a popular way to stay cool enough while indoors and warm enough once information technology's time to exit - just if your cashmere winds upwards as a center layer, you're increasing the chance it will pill.

Pilling itself may seem only a cosmetic concern, merely consider this - it's a bobble of knotted material withal stuck to an otherwise intact strand. Should it grab on a push or a ring and snag, yous could be dealing with actual damage instead of just a slight instance of shedding.

Even with careful clothing, you're still likely to find pilling takes place around the neckline, hems and whatever cuffs of your cashmere garment. Anywhere the textile creases while worn, similar beneath the artillery, is likewise prone to pilling quickly.


You're not likely to pack your all-time cashmere sweater for a mount climbing trek, but the warmth and softness of cashmere makes information technology a pop choice for winter wear. This may mean some grade of precipitation - pelting or snow or a spilled holiday party cider - makes it onto the surface of your favorite cardigan.

A quick wash may take care of whatever discoloration or stain, but whatsoever of those previously damp splotches poses a risk while it's still existence worn. Cashmere is at its most vulnerable when wet. Natural fibers like wool lose their shape and stretch once they've become saturated, which causes breakage - and breakage leads to pilling.

Withal, environmental concerns aren't just about what happens exterior the home. What's happening inside your home can too affect how oftentimes you're waging war on those persistent little fuzzballs. Your storage practices play a large part in how well your cashmere keeps and for how long you get to continue it.

What actually causes pilling is elementary: friction between fibers. While the integrity of those fibers and the natural strain of wear are obvious means these fibers rub against i some other, cashmere garments aren't immune to friction while in storage.

In our guides for how to take intendance of and store cashmere properly, we highlight the importance of protecting each layer of cashmere from touching the adjacent. That'south why acrid-costless tissue paper is one of our favorite solutions to this problem.

A layer of tissue paper betwixt the folds of a natural-cobweb garment keeps the sparse wisps of wool that makes cashmere then luscious to the touch on from tangling together while hibernating. Information technology can besides forestall any remnants of body oils or perspiration from transferring to another piece of the garment, causing further damage and risk of pill balls.

Exist sure non to stack cashmere garments too tightly on tiptop of i some other, too. The compression this causes risks further shredding the bond between those natural fibers, which may not mean you run into any pilling when you pull the garments out again… but it will surely show up soon after wearing it.

Tools & Tips for Removing Cashmere Pilling

Now that you know how to scout out for the causes of pilling, it'due south time to learn what to do with those clumps of broken fibers when they popular upward.

cashmere wool with pilling

Common tools used for depilling cashmere

  • Cashmere or sweater comb. Arguably i of the more traditional and peradventure safer methods of pill removal, a fine-toothed comb is a pop and cheap choice. The trick is to start with a clean, dry garment laid flat, and so comb down to gently detangle fuzzballs.
  • Fabric shaver. You lot may take seen some lifehackers insist that a simple, single-blade razor that you'd employ in the shower can depill your favorite sweater. While the cloth shaver proves this concept truthful, you lot're much better off using one designed to work with cashmere than you are the shaver from the shower. Garment shavers work by electronically shearing off the little knobs of fabric from the surface of the textile.
  • Lint roller. These may be fabricated with pasty, dispensable adhesive patches or with a felted fabric that catches stray bits from the surface of a garment and clings to it until cleaned off.
  • Lint stone. A natural pumice stone used much similar a comb, with the effects of a shaver. The garment is laid out dry out and apartment before y'all glide the pumice stone downward the garment's surface. The pock-marked surface of the pumice catches each picayune fuzzball and gently tugs it costless from its tangle.
  • Scissors. Obviously, snipping each pill one past one would exist a huge chore if you take a lot of them to articulate off. But, if you just take a few errant knots gathering, you can gently clip it off. The effectively the point and the sharper the scissors are, the better off y'all'll exist.

lint roller

cashmere depilling

If you're trying to choose the option that will help you preserve your garments the longest, try to use tools that do not cause unnecessary stress to the textile itself. You can avoid tugging with a comb or stone by using a calorie-free, gentle touch - but if your shaver is tedious or your lint roller'south adhesive actress sticky, they could wind upwardly snagging a pill instead of removing it.

Are y'all ready for some insider tips that will help you lot proceed your cashmere in perfect status?

Tip #1: Don't wash cashmere after every wear.

Now, earlier you lot think this runs contrary to how of import it is to wash your cashmere before you store information technology, let's clarify. If it'south the season for wearing your favorite cashmere pieces and you intend to employ them more than than once in the same calendar month, you're most likely in the clear when it comes to waiting on that mail-wear wash.

Even a gentle launder will cause the natural fibers of your cashmere slice to button and rub together, and we know that kind of friction is exactly what causes pilling to happen in the kickoff place. If yous can manage to wait a article of clothing or two betwixt washes, you can preclude excessive pilling from developing.

Naturally, if y'all think any of your natural torso oils or perspiration may build up too chop-chop, washing it afterward every wear is a must. Plus, exist sure to treat any stains immediately (and you know we tin help you lot solve that problem, as well).

Tip #2: Never scrub or twist the cashmere garment.

When yous see a speck, spot or stain, your first instinct is to whip out a washcloth and become to scrubbing. With cashmere, this is the concluding thing you should do. All that force per unit area stretches the wet strands of wool and can crusade them to break.

Even a trivial breakage that might not be seen to the naked eye can quickly develop into a stubborn knot that winds itself to the surface of the garment. If you're spot-treating or merely washing by hand as part of your regular cleaning schedule, be sure to dab and squeeze gently instead of scrubbing and twisting.

For more on removing stains on cashmere, check out our blog.

Tip #3: Wash cashmere clothes and dry inside-out.

If you're hand-washing or machine-washing your cashmere garments at dwelling, make certain to flip them inside-out beforehand. This may not seem similar it matters much if you lot're washing each detail on its own past hand, but even then information technology can reduce the amount of friction the outer surface of the garment experiences.

It makes fifty-fifty more than sense if yous're washing similar items together. Fundamentally, at that place'due south nil different between the outside or the inside of a garment, but each pill that develops is essentially thinning the surrounding strands of yarn its fibers come from. The thinking behind this step, then, is that this should occur from the inside rather than out.

Read more about washing tips for cashmere.

Tip #4: Requite your cashmere garments animate room in the closet.

Cashmere article of clothing doesn't need to sit one item to a shelf in the closet, but you do need to avert stacking them one on top of the other until they're stuffed and flattened. As we mentioned earlier, that kind of pressure level strains the bonds between natural fibers, stretching them out of shape and making them more probable to agglomeration upward into tiny knots.

Think our tip virtually folding acrid-free tissue paper between the layers? Don't skip information technology in between long-term storage seasons. Use the paper between those folds even when your cashmere items are in a regular-wear bicycle. Y'all don't have to alter them out for fresh paper every time until you're ready to prep your closet for that long-term stretch.

Check out more tips on wardrobe organisation on our blog!

Tip#5: When in doubt, inquire for a professional's help.

Most of these tools and tricks work just fine for the average person with modern-day cashmere garments. If you're the proud owner of an heirloom piece or a high-end, haute couture garment, and so you may need the help of a specialist if you lot demand to remove pills.

The procedure is much the same, just a garment specialist - which could exist your local dry out cleaner or a skilled costumer - will know just how much stress your precious piece tin can take. They may exist able to teach you how to maintain it in between visits, as well, if you're comfortable learning. In special cases such every bit these, even so, your best practice is early intervention and conscientious wear.

luxurious cashmere

Don't forget to protect your cashmere from clothes moths! Check out our range of clothes moth traps to protect your clothes.

No matter which tool, tip or technique y'all endeavour for yourself, commencement dull, use a gentle touch and never attempt to depill a moisture or dirty garment. Uncomplicated steps similar these are all information technology takes to maintain the value and extend the life of your favorite cashmere pieces.

You tin bank check out more cashmere care tips on our blog!

About MothPrevention®

MothPrevention® speak to customers every twenty-four hours nearly their clothes moth issues - apparel moths are a species that are ever increasing and that can crusade significant damage to apparel, carpets and other dwelling house textiles.

To date, we've helped over 150,000 customers deal with their moth problems. We have developed professional grade solutions including proprietary pheromones, not available from anybody else in the Us, and engineered in Germany to the highest product standards.


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