
Ubisoft is removing a 'controversial' UK journalist from Watch Dogs: Legion | PC Gamer - kellisonfroce2001

Ubisoft is removing a 'debatable' United Kingdom journalist from Watch Dogs: Legion

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(Mental image credit: Ubisoft)

Two in-game podcasts in Watch Dogs: Host that feature British journalist Helen Lewis volition represent removed as a resultant role of "controversial" statements she's made in the past. Ubisoft said that it was not made aware of Lewis' previous statements until after development of the game was complete.

"Neither Ubisoft nor the secret plan reflect this journalist's viewpoints," Ubisoft said in a statement. "The exploitation team worked with an external manufacturer to select speaker profiles for these podcasts and were not aware of the contestation at the clock time of booking or recording.

"While the in-gamey podcasters are following a pre-approved script and are not speaking in their ain name surgery with their personal opinions, we empathize this collaboration itself may be seen every bit ghastly and we profoundly regret any hurt this has caused. In response, we leave be replacement these two podcast episodes in an coming update and will reinforce our background checks for partners in the future."

Ubisoft didn't specify which of Lewis' comments it considers "controversial," but Jezebel (via Kotaku) noted most recently year that she has expressed views in opposition of expanded rights for trans people. In a 2017 opinion piece criticizing changes to UK law aimed at simplifying the process of changing one's de jure recognized gender, e.g., she wrote, "Being a adult female operating theater a Isle of Man is now entirely in your head. In this climate, who would gainsay someone with a face fungus exposing their penis in a women's changing elbow room?"

The statement echoes a regular speaking point among trans rights opponents: That men will claim to beryllium women for the sole purpose of gaining access to women's changing rooms and bathrooms.

As the US National Nerve centre for Homosexual Equality points out, this hypothetical fear is based on zip. "Hundreds of cities, school districts, and 18 states already protect transgendered mass's right to use restrooms," writes the org, "and none induce seen a rise in incidents of people attacking anyone or of people feigning to be transgender in order to get access to restrooms."

Lewis has stated in the past that she believes "trans women are women, and trans manpower are work force," but has kept up what she represented A "concerns about self-I.D. and its impact happening single-sex spaces."

These are contradictory positions, said Jezebel. "While Lewis on a regular basis complains that she gets lumped in with TERFs [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] despite her mortal-professed support for trans rights, there is a reason," wrote the site. "Her intelligent is largely eligible with and gives ideological cover to ideas that have been used to limit the rights of trans people."

The rapid response comes amidst a self-declared effort at Ubisoft to change its corporate cultivation, which has faced bowelless criticism this twelvemonth over allegations of widespread sexy misconduct and abusive behavior. Ubisoft did not sound out when Lewis' removal from Watch Dogs: Host will take place.


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